The 6 week journey for the woman who is ready to break free from the shackles of fear and step boldly into her true potential
The next evolution of your life is HERE! 

We start May 1st!

Imagine this for a moment...

You wake up and smile at your self because you’ve worked through the fears that stopped you from listening to your BIG AUDACIOUS DREAMS!
You have DEEP TRUST in the visions that are placed in your heart by God, your ancestors and your guides and you take COURAGEOUS moves to make them happen! 
You’re living your purpose from a place of ease and fulfilment 
Whether that is finally leaving your unfulfilling career and doing what you LOVE! 
Having a secure, loving relationship that supports you and encourages you to live out your dreams. 
Being authentically YOU in your creative expression  


If this is getting you all juicy and excited… you’re soul is ready to level up into the next evolution of your life! 

We start May 1st 

The Liberated, Courageous woman is on the other side of this journey



There’s been so many times in my life I have been on my knees begging God to help me, to give me the COURAGE and the FORTITUDE to move through the pain, the difficult situations, the heartbreaks, the grief, the broken promises…

I’ve spent the past 15 years healing from an abusive relationship and a car accident that almost killed me. 

I’ve moved from frozen in fear, shut down and mute to wildly liberated and still liberating myself! 

Last year I lost lots of money, almost broke up with my partner & was ill… A. LOT! It sent me back into my PTSD & my nervous system was shot to bits from always being in survival mode… 

I had one of 2 choices…

I could either have allowed myself to fall deeper and deeper into the dark and remain there forever more


I could learn to move THROUGH the pain, the physical, emotional and spiritual. 

So with all my strength, I dug deep down to the bottom of the well of my being to find the courage to seek support, to FEEL the pain, to express it and to alchemise it so that I can use my gift to guide women to their WILD LIBERATION! 


Everything changes when you tap into the infinite power that lives within you. 

When you allow yourself to get intimate with and FEEL your fears so that you can move through them to find the gold on the other side… & trust me it’s SO much better than you can ever imagine! 

Imagine you’re the woman who everyone looks at and thinks ‘How DOES she have so much courage to live her life so boldly and fearlessly?’
AND you are living your life in a way that feels so aligned, alive and authentic to YOU because you have the COURAGE to face your fears, alchemise them and boldly forge your path to

wild liberation!

What magick can you expect?

Time to set intentions for your journey and meet with your higher self to discover your deepest fears so you can work with them throughout your 6 week journey 
Dive deep into the roots of your fear and learn how it manifests in your life. Gain valuable insight into the emotional aspects of fear and where it lives in your body. You will experience a deep light language activation to clear lifetimes of fear in your body.


Journey to your fear and find ways to love it, find compassion for it and give gratitude to it for keeping you safe up until this point in your life.
We’ll explore somatic exercises, sound and movement
A journey into your birthscript and how you came into this world has impacted your relationship with feat.
A deep Rebirthing Breathwork journey to release fear from your body – expect to feel REBORN!


Step out of your comfort zone and into the realm of big audacious dreams! Gain practical tools and strategies for taking bold leaps, overcoming obstacles, and pursuing your dreams with confidence and determination.
This is a celebration! In circle, we will witness your journey of transformation as you fully embrace the fearless woman within. Step boldly into your power, knowing that you have the courage and resilience to thrive in every area of your life!


Sister,  if you are reading this like ‘Oh my Goddess my whole soul is lighting up and I feel the tingle of exponential expansion!’ you can breathe a sigh of relief and know that you have come to the right place to get all the tools, healing and empowerment you need to meet intimately with your fears, alchemise them and fearlessly step into the next evolution of your life so that you call your visions into reality! 

What's included?

Your early bird pricing is available until April 24th! Just one week post Fearless Femme!
after that it rises to £555  
I will NEVER run it at this price again! It is INSANE value! 

So if you feel the fear rising in your body at the thought of investing in yourself , place your hand on your heart, take a deep breath and imagine how incredible your life will FEEL when you fully own your COURAGE to live in your most AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION! (hint, it’s pricelss!) 



Courage is for you if..

🔥 You are ready to Remove the blocks and fears that stop you from listening to what your soul is truly calling for! 
🔥 You are ready to Connect to your true SOUL DESIRE and create big shifts in your life 
🔥 you are ready to take the courageous moves and  aligned action to create the life you desire 

🔥 Shift your beliefs at a cellular system and step into your highest power

🔥 Learn to listen to your SOULS CALLING and SET YOUR SOUL ON FIRE! 

🔥 Live your life with AUTHENTIC purpose

Courage is not for you if...

you are not willing to fully commit to this 6 week journey 


you prefer to stay in your comfort zone 
you aren’t willing to dive into your shadow to look at what’s blocking you from calling in your soul’s desires
you think you are not worthy of living the life you desire! 
Soul on Fire Insta content ()

We start on May 1st!

I am ready to be my most courageous self!

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