There is a Goddess that lies within you...
And she wants to be awoken!
There is a desire for women to connect with other women.
Sacred sisterhood is essential
Gathering in community is essential
Remembering who you are is essential
Being heard is essential
Expressing yourself is essential
So consider this your invitation!
Awakening Your Inner Goddess will be a special event blending of women’s practices, healing, self connection. embodiment, dance, breathwork, meditation and sound healing!
Local women owned businesses will be there to offer their magic of Jewellery, Card Readings, Crystals, Art work and Massage!
It’s an opportunity to unite with fellow women to feel sexy, empowered and utterly liberated in a unique night of wild, sweet feminine magick!
In this magical setting, you will have the chance to meet other like minded women as we journey through a meditation, breathwork, Ecstatic dance and be guided in embodiment practices accompanied by banging beats and beautiful guidance to offer your body a safe space to explore your inner Goddess!
I am tripping over with Giddy excitement as I type this!
What to expect on the day
So much magick!!!
Queen! I am so honoured you are joining for this immersive event to liberate your INNER GODDESS and let her drip in pleasure, rapture and the golden nectar of feminine essence!
This space is not your average women’s event.. .We will be calling in your ancestors and invoking their wisdom to start awakening your Divine Feminine Goddess essence and recalling the parts of yourself that long to return HOME!
You will have time to mingle, drink yummy mocktails, glam yourself up in glitter (the sustainable eco kind!), peruse the magickal goodies on sale or rest in the Goddess Sanctuary with a good book, your journal and pull an oracle card!
So many treats for you in store at every turn!
You will come away feeling free, liberated, uninhibited, juicy, sensual and ALIVE!
This involves...
- A meditation journey
- Banging beats and Ecstatic Dance!
- Embodiment practices
- Breath of Connection Workshop with Shani
- Goddess Yoga Flow with Tess
- Feminine empowerment and liberation!
- Local Women owned businesses selling their magickal wares!
- Nibbles and Cakes!
- A FREE mocktail with your ticket!
- Connection to a tribe of Sacred Sisters
I see you, I hear you, I honour you and I love you...
You awakening is your legacy. You deserve to break the chains of ancestral trauma that binds you and holds you back from reclaiming your true feminine essence. You deserve to feel safe, liberated, wild, sexy and FREE!
I see you. I hear you. I honour you. I love you
What magic is in store for you?
- Deep Meditations
- Calling in your Feminine ancestral wisdom
- Connectionwith your pleasure portals
- Empowering invocations
- Awakenings
- Connection to your feminine energy
- Shift to becoming more present
- Deeper knowledge of your inner beauty
- Motivation for change
awakening your Goddess Power!
What else will be on offer?
Babes, you didn’t think I’d call this an immersive event and not offer you LOTS of goodies!
YOU ARE A GODDESS! and this event is here to remind you of this!
Because I believe SO deeply that when women support each other we RISE together, I want this event to be an event BY women FOR women to EMPOWER women!
I have invited a whole host of amazing women locally based in Norwich and Norfolk to share their magick and their gifts with you! You can check them out below! just click on the link and it will take you directly to their pages so you can have a sneaky peak and choose what goodies you might like to buy!
You will receive a FREE mocktail on arrival… oh yeah Queen, the minute you walk in the door you will step into your GODDESS power and be lavished with love and treated like the sensual, beautiful woman you are!
There will be be beautiful cakes for sale and nibbles to eat!
Our local Goddesses and offerings are...
- Dance of the Goddess
- Crystal Remedies by Gem Energetix
- Candles, jewellery, skin are and crystals by Birdsey Belizaire
- Shamanic Art Work and Oracle decks by Laragh
- Plants and Macrame by Botany and Beans
- Massage and Reiki by Zita
- Massage and Reiki by Zita
- Yummy nutritious nibbles!
- And more to be confirmed!
And.... because I believe in empowering women
ALL raffle ticket sales will be going to the Magdalene Group who have been working in the field of sexual violence, explotation and coercian for the past 25 years providing gender and trauma informed support to some of the most marginalised women in society.
Last time we raised £100 for the charity through the amazing raffle
You can find out more about the Magdalene Group here
Are you Ready?
Andddd it doesn't stop there!
Because an afternoon is simply not enough with you all, I invite you to a WHOLE weekend of juicy awakenings, activations and connections!
All the juicy details coming to you soon!
This will be an intimate retreat for 10 women so get ya Goddess tush on the waitlist now to avoid disappointment!