Pleasure is your Birthright ...

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Womb Wisdom

Inside each womxn is a sacred space, an ancient priestess  temple palace that connects a woman to her wisdom, passion, life force, shakti energy and  feminine empowerment. This sacred space of birth and creation is your womb. It is the source of all creation and the connection to the cosmos.

This sacred female vessel holds some of the most potent healing energy and guides you to the remembrance of who you are. Through working with the womb, you can deeply heal past traumas, dishonouring, and disempowerment in your feminine essence. 

The womb is the seat of intuition, power and innate wisdom codes. From this sacred temple space, you are guided and called to the next step in your journey back to your truth. Your intuition, inspires you and redirects you when you have lost your way.

Many of us have forgotten the wisdom codes that are held deep within our wombs. So many of us have been taught to ignore the sacred nature within us and instead seek to dim our light and our power to fit in with what society expects of us.


My prayer for you

It is my prayer and deepest desire that you connect to the cosmic womb that lies deep inside your Divine Feminine body, the source point that births all life. I pray that you deepen your connection to all that it contains in its sacred vessel.  

Your deep desires, your sacred sexuality, your limitless creativity,  your passion life force, your innate wisdom and your deep trusting of your intuition so that you can return HOME to the TRUTH of who you are.

Your Return to Sacred 

Your Return to Divinity 

Your Return to Truth

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The womb is a sacred portal between this realm and the spiritual world, providing a sacred space for a body, heart, soul and spirit to intertwine. The womb is where creativity is birthed, where sacred sexual lifeforce is stored and honored. The womb is where unresolved conflict and pain sit.

The womb honors your ancestors and the long line of female lineage who have walked before us as well as the womxn who will someday walk this earth. 

Your legacy. Your lineage.  How will you honour them? 

When your grandmother was in the womb, she had all of her eggs in her ovaries formed and your mother laid within one of those eggs, waiting for sacred union to birth her into existence. You too, existed inside one of your mother’s eggs.  We are so deeply intertwined and connected to the womxn in our lineage and honoring our sacred womb space honors those womxn too.

Healing, honouring and awakening your Sacred Temple Womb space is a journey into the depths of your REMEMBRANCE


It does more than just bring awareness, it heals past traumas and transforms your future to create a legacy for the womxn who walk this earth.

How can Womb Healing support me?

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How do the sessions work?

What do I need to prepare for a session?

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This is your own sacred journey into the depths of your womb wisdom so ensure you have a quiet and safe space to have your session. Feel free to set this as your sacred space with candles, crystals, or anything you feel called to bring to the space to make it sacred and special for you.

Bring a yoga mat or comfortable space to lie on 

Bring a blanket or something to keep you warm- you may experience changes in temperature as part of your healing

Bring a journal and a pen- you may feel the call to write what you recall from the session 

Resist eating or drinking anything heavy for at least an hour before the session to keep your vessel light and open.


How much is a session?

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